

發(fā)表時(shí)間:2014/4/4 16:00:00 來源:中大網(wǎng)校 點(diǎn)擊關(guān)注微信:關(guān)注中大網(wǎng)校微信

41.She ___ through the mist, trying to find the right path.
A) glanced B) peered C) gazed D) scanned

42.I don’t want to ___ you, but I must get my money back soon.
A) depress B) oppress C) press D) compress

43.She was showing a marked ___ o f interest in her school work.
A) limit B) vacuum C) short D) lack

44.On hearing the news, she flew into a(n) ___.
A) flame B) anger C) offence D) rage

45.The ___ why she didn’t get the job was that her English was not very good.
A) cause B) result C) reason D) origin

46.After the demonstration, the students went to the ___ and asked to see the ambassador.
A) stadium. B) studio C) embassy D) gallery

47.___ the very cold winter, we have run out of coal earlier than we expected.
A) By reason of B) At the risk of C) For the sake of D) At the mercy of

48.The businessman was put in prison because he ___ to pay taxes.
A) rejected B) objected C) refused D) opposed

49.After his service to the country, he was ___ with a knighthood.(爵士身份).
A) praised B) honoured C) granted D) recommended

50.I’m not really ill, but I have a ___ headache.
A) pale B) temporary C) delicate D) slight

解析:A) glance vi./n. 一瞥,掃視,擦過,掠過
eg. ~at one’s watch 看一下表 ~one’s eyes down the page 雙眼掃過一頁
take/give a ~at 對……粗略的看一下
B) peer vi. 凝視,盯著看,費(fèi)力地看
eg. ~at the traffic lights 注視著交通燈
~into the distance 凝視著遠(yuǎn)方
C) gaze vi./n. 凝視,注視,盯
eg. ~at the fire 盯著爐火 ~into the distance 凝眸遠(yuǎn)眺
Stand high and ~far 站得高看得遠(yuǎn)
D) scan vt./vi. 細(xì)看,反復(fù)察看,審視,瀏覽
eg. He raised his hinoculars to ~the coast. 他舉起雙筒望遠(yuǎn)鏡仔細(xì)瞭望海岸。
Read some chapters and ~the rest of the book 讀書中的幾章并瀏覽其余部分

解析:A) depress vt. 降低,壓低,抑制,使郁悶,使不景氣
eg. ~wages 降低工資
This drug ~es the action of the heart. 這種藥品使心臟活動(dòng)減弱。
B) oppress vt. 壓迫,壓制,使煩悶
eg. a system which ~ed working people 壓迫勞動(dòng)人民的制度
Feel ~ed with the heat 熱得難受
C) press vt./vi./n. 壓,逼迫,強(qiáng)調(diào)
eg. ~sth. (down) with a stone 用石頭壓(下)某物
~the phone buttons 按電話按鈕
~sb. for an answer 催逼某人回答
~sb. to do sth. 逼迫某人做某事
D) compress vt./vi. 壓緊,壓縮,凝縮
eg. Thirty years are ~ed into a dozen sentences. 30年光陰簡括成了十幾句話。
~a paper to minimum length 把論文壓縮到最短篇幅

解析:A) limit n./ vt. 限制,界限
eg. The creative power of man knows no ~s. 人的創(chuàng)造力是無窮無盡的。
The diver went into the deep water beyond the danger ~. 潛水員潛到超過危險(xiǎn)線的深水中去了。
B) vacuum n./adj./vi./vt. [pl.] ~s/vacua 真空,空虛
eg. create a power ~制造一個(gè)權(quán)力真空狀態(tài) in a ~仿佛在真空中
C) short adj./adv./vt./vi. 短,矮,低,短缺
eg. ~hair 短發(fā) a ~~story 超短篇小說
a man long on ideas but ~on knowledge 一個(gè)主意不少但只是膚淺的人
D) lack n./vt. 缺乏,不足
eg. for/by/from/through ~of 因缺乏 no ~(of) 不缺乏
show a complete ~of method 顯得毫無條理


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