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發(fā)表時間:2014/4/4 16:00:00 來源:中大網(wǎng)校 點擊關(guān)注微信:關(guān)注中大網(wǎng)校微信

61.The two lawyers ___ for a few minutes about the exact meaning of a point of law.
A) discussed B) argued C) quarrelled D) clashed

62.He stood on the ___ of the river, looking down into the water.
A) border B) coast C) bank D) beach

63.He said that one must ___ religion from politics.
A) divorce B) divide C) identify D) differ

64.Generally, the larger the ___ , the more stable the object.
A) basis B) basin C) base D) basement

65.We cannot judge a person simply on the ___ of his education.
A) condition B) basis C) principle D) base

66.By rail it is cheaper to buy a return ticket than two ___ tickets.
A) individual B) single C) singular D) separate

67.We’re all in favor of spending whatever is necessary to ___ air pollution.
A) struggle B) combat C) conflict D) dismiss

68.We must leave nothing to ___.
A) possibility B) wish C) opportunity D) chance

69.He ___ the members of the audience to their seats.
A) accompanied B) distributed C) attended D) conducted

70. While in London, we paid a visit to the hospital founded ___ the nurse Florence Nightingale.
A) in line with B) in favour of C) in honour of D) in place of

解析:A) discuss vt. 討論,辯論,論述
eg. They put their heads together to ~ what to do next. 他們聚在一起討論下一步干什么。
What does the book ~ ? 這本書講的是什么?
~ business with sb. 與某人談生意(或正經(jīng)事 )
B) argue vi./vt. 提供理由,爭論,主張,認為 argue for/against 提供理由
~ with sb. about/over sth. 與某人辯論某事
~ sb. into ( out of ) doing sth. 說服某人做(不做)某事
eg. The report ~s against tax increases. 報告列舉了反對增稅的種種理由。
I was too tired to ~ the point. 我太累了,不想爭論這一點。
His accent ~s him to be a southerner. 他的口音表明他是個南方人。
C) quarrel n./vi. 爭吵 have a ~ with sb. about sth. 就某事跟某人爭吵
make/patch up a ~ (爭吵后)言歸于好
~ with sb. 與某人吵架
D) clash vi./vt./n. 發(fā)生沖突,不協(xié)調(diào),不一致
eg. Her birthday party ~ed with my examination, so I couldn’t go. 她的生日慶祝會和我的考試時間沖突,所以我沒法去。
The fittings ~ with architecture. 建筑物的設(shè)備與其風格不配。
a ~ of opinions 意見的沖突 a color ~ 色彩的不協(xié)調(diào)

解析:A) border n./vi./adj. 邊沿,邊境,邊界
eg. ~ disputes 邊境爭端 ~ incidents 邊境事件
B) coast n./vt./vi. 海岸,沿岸航行
eg. sail along the ~ 沿海岸航行 ~ing trade 沿海貿(mào)易(尤指國內(nèi)沿海港口間的貿(mào)易)
C) bank n./vt./vi. (河)岸,堤,(山)坡
eg. on the south ~ of the Yangtse River 在長江南岸
D) beach n./vi./vt. 海灘,(船)擱淺

解析:A) divorce n./vt./vi. 離婚,分離,脫離
eg. the ~ of theory from practice 理論脫離實踐
the ~ between state and religion 政教的分離
B) divide vt./vi./n. 分開,隔開
eg. ~ one’s time between work and study 把時間分別用在工作和學習上
Let’s ~ ourselves into two groups. 我們分成兩個小組吧。
The new road will ~ the development. 這條路將把開發(fā)區(qū)隔開。
C) indentify vt./vi. 認出,識別,確定,一致
eg. Some people ~ happiness with wealth. 有些人認為有錢就是幸福。
A small baby can ~ its mother by her voice. 幼小的嬰兒能聽得出母親的聲音。
The witness was able to ~ who had fired. 證人認得出是誰開的槍。
~ … as… 認出 She identified the man as her attacker. 她認出那個男人就是襲擊過她的人。
D) differ vt. 不同 differ from
eg. Chinese ~s greatly from English in pronunciation. 漢語發(fā)音跟英語大不相同。
We ~ from/with him on/about/upon that question. 我們在那個問題上跟他們意見不同。


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