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一、 考試指導思想

初中畢業(yè)英語學業(yè)考試是義務教育階段英語學科的終結(jié)性考試。考試要體現(xiàn)基礎教育課程改革的基本理念,落實英語課程標準確立的“促進學生綜合語言運用能力的發(fā)展”的考試指導思想??荚囈欣谌尕瀼貒医逃结?,推進素質(zhì)教育;有利于體現(xiàn)義務教育的性質(zhì),全面提高教育教學質(zhì)量;有利于英語課程改革,提高英語教學質(zhì)量, 培養(yǎng)學生勇于探究的創(chuàng)新精神和解決問題的實踐能力,減輕學生過重的課業(yè)負擔,促進學生生動、活潑、主動學習。

本考試標準依據(jù)《義務教育英語課程標準(2011年版)》(以下簡稱英語課程標準)制訂??荚囈w現(xiàn)語言工具性和人文性的雙重屬性,落實語言技能、語言知識、情感態(tài)度、學習策略和文化意識等五個方面課程目標,要依據(jù)英語課程標準和現(xiàn)行教材來確定考查內(nèi)容與標準,著重考查學生聽、說、讀、寫等四種英語語言技能的綜合實踐能力以及靈活運用語言知識的能力。在試卷設計上要遵循教育測量的基本原理,體現(xiàn)課程的評價原則,堅持以交際語言測試為主,分離測試、綜合測試等多種測試并存,力求在語篇層次上,在盡可能真實的情境中,以互動的形式測試學生的綜合語言運用能力;不僅要關(guān)注試卷信度,更要注重試卷的效度;在力求試卷結(jié)構(gòu)簡約的同時,確??疾閮?nèi)容的覆蓋面,杜絕繁、偏、舊試題,科學控制題量和難度。要堅持“以能力立意為主、知識立意為輔”的原則,根據(jù)語言實際使用情形命題,適當增大主觀性、開放性試題的比重,盡可能避免命制以詞或句為語言單位的試題,不應在脫離語境的情況下孤立地考查知識點, 更不應考查對知識的機械記憶。在選擇語言素材時,要充分考慮學生的實際生活和身心發(fā)展水平、地域以及文化差異,選用真實、地道、形式多樣的語言素材。要根據(jù)試題的考查目的和重點,制定科學、可行的評分標準,使各層次英語水平的學生成績都能得到全面、公正、客觀、準確的評價,充分發(fā)揮測試的鑒定和激勵功能,充分發(fā)揮測試對教學的正面反撥作用。

二、 考試內(nèi)容與要求

英語課程標準規(guī)定的義務教育階段英語課程的總體目標是“促進學生綜合語言運用能力的形成與發(fā)展” 。 這一能力是建立在語言知識、語言技能、情感態(tài)度、學習策略和文化意識等五個方面的基礎之上的。初中畢業(yè)英語學業(yè)考試應將語言知識與技能的評價有機結(jié)合起來,著重考查學生在具體語境中運用英語的能力,滲透對情感態(tài)度、學習策略和文化意識的考查。因此,試卷內(nèi)容要符合學生生理和心理特點,要關(guān)注學生的情感,試題設計要有利于引導學生養(yǎng)成良好的學習習慣,形成有效的學習策略。
































① 現(xiàn)在進行時

② 一般現(xiàn)在時

③ 一般過去時

④ 一般將來時

⑤ 過去進行時

⑥ 現(xiàn)在完成時


① 一般現(xiàn)在時

② 一般過去時

③ 一般將來時



10. 構(gòu)詞法




11. 句子種類





12. 簡單句的基本句型

(1)主語 + 系動詞 + 表語

(2)主語 + 不及物動詞

(3)主語 + 及物動詞 + 賓語

(4)主語 + 及物動詞 + 間接賓語 + 直接賓語

(5)主語 + 及物動詞 + 賓語 + 賓語補足語

(6)there be 句型





(3)定語從句(能辨認出由that, which, who引導的限定性定語從句,并能理解句子意思。)































三、 試卷結(jié)構(gòu)


卷數(shù) 大題數(shù) 小題數(shù) 客、主觀題權(quán)重 知識、能力題權(quán)重 整卷


客觀 主觀 知識 能力

控制 開放

1-2 4-5 70±5 ≤0.50 ≤0.40 ≥0.10 ≤0.20 ≥ 0.80 0.70


1. 客觀題型:聽力選擇、語法選擇、詞語選擇、閱讀選擇等答案唯一的題型,其整卷權(quán)重值不高于0.50。

2. 主觀題型:筆錄要點、摘錄要點、回答問題、翻譯語篇、補全對話、情境作文、朗讀短文、看圖說話、情境對話等答案不唯一的題型,其整卷權(quán)重值不低于0.50。其中控制性主觀題 (即答案內(nèi)容確定、表達形式不唯一的試題) 整卷權(quán)重值不高于0.40,開放性主觀題 (即答案內(nèi)容不確定、表達形式也不唯一的試題) 整卷權(quán)重值不低于0.10。





內(nèi)容結(jié)構(gòu)一 適應以下兩種情形:

1. 暫不單獨進行口試;

2. 雖然單獨進行口試,但口試成績不納入初中畢業(yè)英語學業(yè)考試成績。

考查內(nèi)容 客、主觀題權(quán)重 知識、能力題權(quán)重

部分(權(quán)重/難度值) 典型題型 客觀 主觀 知識 能力


聽力技能(0.20/0.70) 聽力選擇 0.15 0 0 0.15

筆錄要點 0.05 0.05


知識運用(0.20/0.75) 語法選擇 0.10 0 0.10 0

詞語選擇 0.10 0 0.10 0


閱讀技能(0.35/0.75) 閱讀選擇 0.15 0 0 0.15

摘錄要點 0.10 0 0.10

回答問題 0.10 0.10


寫作技能(0.25/0.60) 翻譯語篇 0 0.05 0 0.05

補全對話 0 0.10 0 0.10

情境作文 0 0.10 0 0.10

合計 4(1.00/0.70) 10 0.50 0.50 0.20 0.80

內(nèi)容結(jié)構(gòu)二 適應單獨進行口試,且口試成績納入初中畢業(yè)英語學業(yè)考試成績的市、


卷次 考查內(nèi)容 客、主觀題權(quán)重 知識、能力題權(quán)重

部分 (權(quán)重/難度值) 典型題型 客觀 主觀 知識 能力


筆試 第一部分 聽力技能

(0.15/0.70) 聽力選擇 0.10 0 0 0.10

筆錄要點 0 0.05 0 0.05

第二部分 知識運用

(0.20/0.75) 語法選擇 0.10 0 0.10 0

詞語選擇 0.10 0 0.10 0

第三部分 閱讀技能

(0.35/0.75) 閱讀選擇 0.20 0 0 0.20

摘錄要點 0.05 0 0.05

回答問題 0.10 0.10

第四部分 寫作技能

(0.20/0.55) 翻譯語篇 0 0.10 0 0.10

情境作文 0 0.10 0 0.10


口試 第五部分 口語技能

(0.10/0.75) 朗讀短文



情境對話 0 0.10 0 0.10

合計 2 5 (1.00/0.70) 12 0.50 0.50 0.20 0.80

四、 題型示例

第一部分 聽力技能



聽力選擇 根據(jù)你聽到的對話,選擇正確的答案回答問題。


1. How is the weather now?

A. B. C.

2. What animal does the boy want to keep?

A. B. C.

3. Where are they talking?

A. In the hospital. B. In the shop. C. In the classroom.

4. What time is it now?

A. 8:30. B. 9:00. C. 9:30.

5. Why can’t Jack go to the movie?

A. Because he has a lot of housework to do.

B. Because he has to visit a woman.

C. Because he has to wait for his best friend.


6. Where did Tina leave her schoolbag?

A. At home. B. In the school. C. On the bus.

7. How did Tina most probably feel that morning?

A. Bad. B. Good. C. Lucky.


8. Why does Tom want to borrow a book about culture?

A. Because he will have a culture test.

B. Because he borrows it for his classmate.

C. Because he will give a talk about culture.

9. How many books can Tom borrow at a time?

A. Two. B. Three. C. Four.

10. When will Tom return the books?

A. Next Monday. B. Next Sunday. C. Next Saturday.





1. M: Look, it’s raining again. I don’t like rainy days.

W: Well, I don’t like rainy days, either.

2. W: What’s your favorite animal?

M: I like dogs best and I want to keep one in the future.

3. M: Good morning, Madam. What can I do for you?

W: I want to buy a pair of shoes for my son.

4. W: Don’t hurry. The class meeting will begin at 9:00.

M: Oh, it’s early. We still have thirty minutes.

5. W: Would you like to go to the movie with me, Jack?

M: I’d love to, but my best friend is coming soon. I have to wait for her.


W: What a bad morning I had!

M: What was the matter, Tina?

W: Er, I got up too late. Besides, I left my schoolbag on the bus.

M: What a pity!

W: What was worse, I was late for Miss Li’s class.

M: That was really too bad.


M: Excuse me, Miss Black! Are there any books about culture?

W: Yes, here are some.

M: Thanks.

W: Are you interested in culture, Tom?

M: Yes. I was asked to give a talk about culture.

W: Oh, I see.

M: How many books can I borrow at a time?

W: Three.

M: OK! Can I have a look at the books about geography?

W: Sure. They’re on the shelf over there.

M: Mm….I’d like this one about the Chinese geography. And I’ll return them next Saturday.

W: Oh, our library doesn’t open at weekends. You may keep them for a week.

M: OK. Thank you.


1—5 BABAC 6—10 CACBA


筆錄要點 根據(jù)你所聽到的內(nèi)容,填寫下面的表格,每空不超過3個單詞。

Travel in Shanghai

Days in Shanghai 1 days

Where to live 2

What to do D1:Watch the opening ceremony

D2:Visit Zhouzhuang Water Town

D3: 3

Rules Don’t 4 alone at night

Keep 5 clean



Good morning and welcome to Shanghai! I am Xiao Ming. I am the tour guide of your group. I hope we can stay happily in Shanghai for three days. If you have problems or get lost, please call me. My mobile phone number is in this card. We’ll live in Hunan Hotel. Today we’ll have the most interesting part of our visit. We’ll watch the opening ceremony of the Shanghai World Expo. Tomorrow we’ll go to visit Zhouzhuang Water Town. And the day after tomorrow we’ll go to visit Nanjing Road. You can go shopping there. We have two rules. Please don’t go out alone at night. And please keep the bus clean. Have a good time here. Thank you!


1. Three 2. Hunan Hotel 3. Visit Nanjing Road

4. go out 5. the bus

第二部分 知識運用




語法選擇 從A、B、C三個選項中選擇正確的答案填空。

1. Do some exercise every day. I hope you will be ______ good health.

A. in B. on C. to

2. I think Chinese is ______ than any other subject.

A. easy B. easier C. easiest

3. —______ do you think of the film?

— Very interesting.

A. Who B. What C. How

4. _______ is polite to take a gift when you visit somebody for the first time.

A. He B. That C. It

5. I bought a new shirt for John, ______ he didn’t like it.

A. because B. and C. but

6. — Must we finish our homework now?

— No, you ______.

A. needn’t B. mustn’t C. can’t

7. — Do you know ______ inventor?

— Yes. He’s ______ friend of mine.

A. a;a B. the;a C. an;the

8. Mary ______ to school 10 minutes ago.

A. went B. has gone C. goes

9. I wonder ______.

A. where she lives B. where does she live C. where is she living

10. —How much is the new car?

—About eighty _______ yuan.

A. thousands B. thousands of C. thousand


1—5 ABBCC 6—10 ABAAC


詞語選擇 通讀下面的短文, 掌握其大意, 然后從各題所給的A、B、C三個選項中選出


Jody was ten years old when he decided he needed a job. He thought it might be 1 to keep worms (蟲). He could sell them to farmers. So in 2 , he bought many worms. But that winter the cold weather killed all the worms because he had not put them in a 3 place.

The next spring Jody 4 again. He bought more worms. When winter came, he took them inside so they would stay warm. Many farmers bought his worms.

One day when Jody was twelve, he got 5 . It was from State of New York. The letter said, “Everyone who sells things has to pay taxes (稅)!” Jody 6 only one dollar selling worms. But he still 7 to pay part of that money to the state. He told many people in his town what had 8 . A reporter 9 Jody on TV. Many people saw it and they began to write letters to the state. The letters said that the law was unfair. Finally the law was 10 . Children like Jody can now sell things without paying taxes to the state.

1. A. boring B. lucky C. interesting

2. A. autumn B. spring C. winter

3. A. warm B. clean C. nice

4. A. tried B. waited C. failed

5. A. a present B. a letter C. an e-mail

6. A. paid B. made C. did

7. A. hoped B. wanted C. had

8. A. happened B. appeared C. followed

9. A. saw B. found C. reported

10. A. copied B. changed C. passed


1—5 CBAAB 6—10 BCACB

第三部分 閱讀技能



閱讀選擇 閱讀下面的短文,從每題所給的A、B、C三個選項中,選出最佳選項回答



Li Chuang is a 15-year-old boy, but he has been a smoker for three years. His teeth and fingers have turned a bit yellow.

"I first tried smoking after watching TV. It makes me feel excited and I think it looks cool," he said.

Not all students smoke as much as Li but there are lots of child smokers.

A report says 32% of boys and 13% of girls in middle schools in China have smoked. Some are as young as 11 when they first try!

May 31st is World No Tobacco Day. Health experts (專家) are asking young people not to smoke.

Doctors say smoking can make people get illnesses, like lung cancer (肺癌) .

Not only that, smoking costs a lot of money too!

Stop smoking, children! It’s bad for your health!

1. Li Chuang began to smoke when he was_____.

A. 12 B. 13 C. 15

2. More _____ have smoked than ______ in middle schools in China.

A. girls…boys B. boys…girls C. students…teachers

3. “World No Tobacco Day” means “_____” in Chinese.

A. 世界無癌日 B. 世界節(jié)能日 C. 世界無煙日

4. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Smoking is good for health.

B. Smoking doesn’t cost much money.

C. Some kids begin to smoke when they are 11 years old.

5. What does the writer probably ask the readers to do?

A. To give up smoking.

B. To go to hospital before you smoke.

C. To celebrate World No Tobacco Day every year.



6. ______ can join the club.

A. All people

B. Young Children

C. Only old people

7. The club opens ______.

A. 20 hours a week

B. on weekdays

C. at weekends

8. The club costs 20 yuan _______ .

A. for a month

B. for a week

C. for a day


9. The picture asks students to _____.

A. protect water

B. skate often

C. drink water

10. Which of the following is NOT TRUE

according to the picture?

A. Carry a bottle with you for drinking water.

B. Drinking coffee is cool in school.

C. Drinking water can help you a lot.


1—5 ABCCA 6—10 BCBCB


摘錄要點 閱讀下面的材料,然后在表格中完成內(nèi)容摘要,每空不超過三個單詞。

Wulingyuan Scenic (風景) Area is about 400 kilometres from Changsha and covers an area of about 400 square kilometers. It is a beautiful area with more than 3,000 unusual mountains, about 800 small rivers, and forests with over 1,000 kinds of plant in them. It is an important area because it has hundreds of animals in it, but many of them are endangered and difficult to see. If you want to see Wulingyuan, you can stay in a hotel in Changsha, but many visitors prefer to stay in a tent (帳篷) in the park itself.

Wulingyuan Scenic Area

Size about 1. ________________

2. ________ about 400 kilometres from Changsha

What to see more than 3,000 unusual mountains

about 3. ________________

forests with over 1,000 kinds of plant

4. ________________

Where to stay 5. ________________

tents in the park


1. 400 square kilometers

2. Where (it is)

3. 800 small rivers

4. hundreds of animals

5. hotels in Changsha


回答問題 閱讀下面的材料,然后根據(jù)材料內(nèi)容回答問題。

“Who did this?” asked the teacher. Thirty children made no answer.

“Who did this?” she raised her voice and asked again. She never became angry, but she was angry this time.

It was Charley who broke the window. But he did it by accident. It was caused by a bad throw of a baseball.

“If I admitted (承認) it, it would get me into trouble,” Charley thought. “How would I be able to pay for a big window like that?” But something much stronger in his mind pulled him up. “I did it.” Charley stood up and then became silent. It was hard enough saying that.

The teacher walked to Charley with a book in hand. The boy feared she was going to hit him with the book.

“I know you did it, and I know how you like birds,” she said. “Here’s a book about birds. It is yours now. You won’t be punished. But remember: it’s only for your honesty.”

Charley couldn’t believe it! He wasn’t punished, but instead, he got a book which needed much money!

1. How many students were there in Charley’s class?

2. How did Charley break the window?

3. What did Charley think the teacher would do with the book?

4. What was the book about?

5. What have you learned from the story?


1. There were thirty students. / Thirty./ 30.

2. By a bad throw of a baseball.

3. He thought the teacher would hit him with it.

4. It was about birds. / Birds.

5. We should be honest.

第四部分 寫作技能



翻譯語篇 閱讀下面的短文,然后將劃線部分的句子譯成漢語或英語。

Food is very important. Everyone needs to eat well if he or she wants to have a strong body. 1. Our minds also need a kind of food. This kind of food is knowledge. We begin to get knowledge even we are very young. 2. 孩子們對周圍的一切都感興趣。They learn something when they are watching and listening. When they are getting older, they begin to read storybooks, science books and anything they like. 3. When they find something new, they love to ask questions and try to find out the answers.

4. 獲取知識的最佳方法是什么呢? If we learn by ourselves, we will get the most knowledge. If we are always getting answers from others and do not ask why, we will never learn well. 5. If we study in the right way, we will learn more and understand better.


1. 我們的大腦也需要某種食糧。

2.Small children are interested in everything around them.

3. 有新發(fā)現(xiàn)時,他們喜歡提問,并努力去尋求答案。

4.What is the best way to get knowledge?

5. 如果我們采用恰當?shù)膶W習方法,就會學得更多,理解得更透徹。


補全對話 根據(jù)上下文和你的實際情況把下面的對話補充完整。

Reporter: Excuse me. I’m doing a survey for a magazine Hobbies. Can I ask you some questions?

You: 1. .

Reporter: Everyone has hobbies. So do you, don’t you?

You: Yes, I do.

Reporter: What are they?

You: 2.

Reporter: Uh-huh. Which is your favorite one?

You: 3.

Reporter: OK. When did you pick it up?

You: 4.

Reporter: Well, why do you like that so much?

You: 5.

Reporter: Thank you.

You: You’re welcome.


One possible version:

1. Sure / Certainly …

2. Fishing, collecting stamps and playing computer games.

3. Collecting stamps, of course.

4. When I was six years old.

5. Because I can learn quite a lot from the stamps.


情境作文 以下是兩則美國學生的信息,請從中選擇—位作為你的筆友,并給他(她)寫封英語短信。要求信中包括以下內(nèi)容:







Name: Lisa

Age: 14

City: Los Angeles

Hobbies:music, dancing

and reading

Notes: Look for pen friends who

want to learn about

Disneyland. Name: Toby

Age: 15

City: Los Angeles

Hobbies:sports, (especially football)traveling

Notes: Look for pen friends who

want to learn about the computer.


One possible version:

Dear Lisa,

My name is Li Fang. I’m 14 years old. I live in Changde, Hunan and I want a pen pal in America. I think America is a very interesting country because there are many places to have fun, like Disneyland. I can speak a little English. My favorite subject in school is music. But I don’t like math because it’s too difficult.

As I know, you like music, dancing and reading. So we share the same hobbies. I hope you can visit China sometime and make friends with me.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Best wishes.


Li Fang

第五部分 口語技能




Now Wu Peng from Class 1 was in front! Lin Tao didn’t run as fast as Wu Peng, but he was not far behind. Jiang Honglin was catching up, too, but not fast enough. “Come on, Wu Peng!” shouted the Class 1 students. “Oh! No!”

Wu dropped his stick! He stopped to get it and of course fell behind. Lin Tao ran past him. He was first past the finishing line. Class 3 were the winners!

“Hooray!” shouted Class 3. “Well done, everyone! Congratulations, Lin Tao!”




One day after school,Bill went to the playground to play basketball with his friends as usual. They had great fun running and jumping and shooting the basket.

When Bill arrived home, it was already 5:30.

He felt so tired and hungry. He was pleased to see that supper was ready. He was going to eat when his mother stopped him.

“Look at your dirty hands. Go and wash them before dinner,” said his mother.

After a while, Bill came back and showed his mother his clean hands.

Soon his mother came to Bill with a dirty towel in her hands. “Could you tell me what has happened?” asked his mother. Bill’s face went red.


Tell us some traffic rules you know, please.


With pleasure. Here are some traffic rules.

If you want to cross a street, you must wait for the green light. You mustn’t cross in front of the traffic. If the light is yellow, you should wait. It’s better to wait and be safe.

Don’t drive too fast. If you drive too fast, a car may hit you. If there is a lot of traffic, you must wait. If the traffic light is red, you must stop. If you are not careful, you may have an accident.




You want to know something about his / her trip. Please ask him / her at least five questions about his / her trip according to the following card.


He / She wants to know something about your trip. Please answer his / her questions about your trip. The following card can help you.

A Holiday Trip







A: When did you go traveling? B: On May Day.

A: Where did you go? B: We went to the Great Wall.

A: Who did you go there with? B: With my parents.

A: How did you go there? B: By plane.

A: What did you have for lunch that day?B: Bread and orange juice.


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