職稱英語(yǔ)零基礎(chǔ)通關(guān)[NT:P...《2015年職稱英語(yǔ)考試衛(wèi)生類A級(jí)補(bǔ)全短文模擬練習(xí)題9》由中大網(wǎng)校學(xué)位英語(yǔ)考試網(wǎng)發(fā)布。" />


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The First Four Minutes

When do people decide whether or not they want to become friends? During their first four minutes together, according to a book by Dr. Leonard Zunin. In his book, ”Contact: The first four minutes" ’ he offers this advice to anyone interested in starting new friendships: “(1) A lot of people's whole lives would change if they did just that. ”

You may have noticed that the average person does not give his undivided attention to someone he has just met.(2)If anyone has ever done this to you, you probably did not like him very much.

When we are introduced to new people, the author suggests, we should try to appear fiiendly and self-confident. In general, he says, “People like people who like themselves1. ”

On the other hand, we should not make the other person think we are too sure of ourselves. It is important to appear interested and sympathetic,realizing that the other person has his own needs, fears, and hopes.

Hearing such advice, one might say, "But I'm not a fiiendly, self-confident person. That's not my nature. It would be dishonest for me to act that way. ”

(3) We can become accustomed to any changes we choose to make in our personality. “It is like getting used to a new car. It may be unfamiliar at first, but it goes much better than the old one. ”

But isn't it dishonest to give the appearance of friendly self-confidence when we don't actually feel that way? Perhaps, but according to Dr. Zunin, "total honesty" is not always good for social relationships2 ’ especially during the first few minutes of contact. There is a time for everything, and a certain amount of play-acting may be best for the first few minutes of contact with a stranger3 . That is not the time to complain about one's health or to mention faults one finds in other people. It is not the time to tell the whole truth about one's opinions and impressions.

(4) For a husband and wife or a parent and child, problems often arise during their first four minutes together after they have been apart. Dr. Zunin suggests that these first few minutes together be treated with care. If there are unpleasant matters to be discussed, they should be dealt with later.

The author says that interpersonal relations should be taught as a required course5 in everyschool, along with reading, writing, and mathematics. — (5) That is at least as important as how much we know.


undivided 不分散的,專一的 personality 個(gè)性,人格

accustomed 慣常的


1.People like people who like themselves.人們喜歡那些有自信心的人。這里的who like themselves不作“喜歡自己”解,根據(jù)上下文,可以解釋為“有自信的人”。

2."total honesty" is not always good for social relationships:在社會(huì)關(guān)系上“絕對(duì)的誠(chéng)實(shí)”并非總是好的。

3.... a certain amount of play-acting may be best for the first few minutes of contact with a stranger. ??…?在和陌生人接觸的頭幾分鐘,適當(dāng)演一點(diǎn)兒戲是最合適不過的了。

4.apply to:適用于

5.required course:必修課


A In reply, Dr. Zunin would claim that a little practice can help us feel comfortable about

changing our social habits. B Much of what has been said about strangers also applies to4 relationships with family members and friends.

C In his opinion, success in life depends mainly on how we get along with other people. D Every time you meet someone in a social situation, give him your undivided attention for four minutes.

E He keeps looking over the other person's shoulder, as if hoping to find someone more interesting in another part of the room.

F He is eager to make friends with everyone.


1.D本文主要講與人初次見面最初四分鐘對(duì)于人際交往的重要性。文章開頭以自問自答的 形式提出主題,然后說(shuō)Leonard Zunin博士在書中向任何想交新朋友的人提出一條建議。什 么建議呢?比較一下只有把D放在這里最合適,因?yàn)槿藗兂S闷硎咕湎騽e人提建議,D是一 個(gè)祈使句,它的意思是:“每次你在社交場(chǎng)合遇到什么人時(shí),全神貫注地注意他四分鐘?!焙蜕舷挛囊馑歼B貫。

2.E承接上一段。作者在本段第一句話告訴我們有人并不按他建議的那樣做。那么這些人 怎么做呢? E說(shuō):“他不停地往其他人身后看,好像要在屋里其他地方找到更有趣的人似 的?!憋@然此處選E最合適。

3.A文章第三、第四段建議當(dāng)被引見給陌生人時(shí),態(tài)度應(yīng)當(dāng)友好而自信,還應(yīng)掌握好分寸。對(duì) 此有人會(huì)說(shuō)友好和自信非我本性,如果硬要裝出如此態(tài)度就是不誠(chéng)實(shí)。這是一種反駁意見, 我們期待作者的回答。A說(shuō):“作為回答,Zunin博士說(shuō)只要我們稍加練習(xí)就可以幫助我們改 變社交習(xí)慣。”下文是對(duì)此的進(jìn)一步解釋。

4.B到此為止作者主要談與陌生人相處要注意最初四分鐘。從其他句子來(lái)看,本段談的是家 庭成員之間在交往中也應(yīng)注意在一起的最初四分鐘,那么選項(xiàng)B是最合適的了^



人們什么時(shí)候決定他們是否愿意成為朋友?按列奧納多·祖尼博士的書中所說(shuō)是在他們相處 的最初四分鐘。在他的書《接觸:最初四分鐘》里,他向所有對(duì)開始新的友誼感興趣的人們提出 了這樣的建議:“每次你在社交場(chǎng)合遇到什么人時(shí),全神貫注地注意他四分鐘。許多人如果這樣做了的話,他們的生活就會(huì)完全不同?!?/p>

你可能已經(jīng)注意到了,一般人都不會(huì)全神貫注地注意一個(gè)他剛認(rèn)識(shí)的人。他不停地往其他 人身后看,好像要在屋里其他地方找到更趣的人似的。如果有人對(duì)你這樣,你大概不會(huì)很喜歡他。



聽到這樣的建議,有人或許會(huì)說(shuō):“但是我不是一個(gè)友好的、自信的人。那不是我的天性。我 如果那樣做將是不誠(chéng)實(shí)的。” ’

作為回答,祖尼博士說(shuō)只要我們稍加練習(xí)就可以幫助我們改變社交習(xí)慣。對(duì)我們選擇的個(gè) 性上的改變我們會(huì)慢慢習(xí)慣?!斑@就像適應(yīng)一輛新車。 一開始會(huì)覺得陌生,但它比舊車好開?!?/p>

但是當(dāng)我們不覺得友好且自信的時(shí)候卻給人那樣的表象,這是誠(chéng)實(shí)嗎?可能是,但是祖尼博士認(rèn)為在社會(huì)關(guān)系上“絕對(duì)的誠(chéng)實(shí)”并非總是好的,尤其是在接觸的最初四分鐘里。任何事情都有時(shí)間限制。在和陌生人接觸的頭幾分鐘,適當(dāng)演一點(diǎn)兒戲是最合適不過的了。那種時(shí)候不適于 抱怨健康狀況或談?wù)搫e人的缺點(diǎn),也不適于全盤托出某人的觀點(diǎn)和印象。

以上有關(guān)陌生人的建議有很多也適合于家庭成員和朋友間的關(guān)系。對(duì)于丈夫和妻子或父母與 孩子來(lái)說(shuō),久別重逢的前幾分鐘最容易出問題。祖尼博士建議認(rèn)真對(duì)待離別重逢的最初四分鐘。 如果有不愉快的事情需要討論,也應(yīng)該稍后再說(shuō)。

作者說(shuō)每個(gè)學(xué)校都應(yīng)該把人與人之間的關(guān)系作為必修課,和閱讀、寫作、數(shù)學(xué)等一起上。他 認(rèn)為一生中的成功主要看我們?nèi)绾闻c別人相處。至少這和我們擁有的知識(shí)一樣重要。







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