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發(fā)表時間:2015/5/11 16:07:07 來源:互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 點擊關(guān)注微信:關(guān)注中大網(wǎng)校微信

Section 2

1. Jim was so opposed to any type of change that he ------- even the most beneficial of -------.

A. blamed......customs

B. presented.......inventions

C. welcomed.......reforms

D. anticipated.......results

E. resisted.......improvements

解析: so....that的因果關(guān)系,所以前后同義,第一空應與oppose(反對)同義,第二空是beneficial of...應為正向詞,故E最合適。

翻譯:Jim 反對任何形式的改變,甚至是最有助于提高的(改變也反對)。

2. Eager to enlist as a soldier during the American Revolution, Deborah Sampson Gannett successfully------- the military’s gender boundary by donning men’s clothing and ------ a male identity.

A. delineated........flaunting

B. circumvented........assuming

C. reinstated.......mimicking

D. denounced......inventing

E. skirted........disguising

解析: 從前半句可知,為了要參軍,D這個人成功的怎么樣了性別界限,說明這人是個女的,所以規(guī)避這組詞可選,故第一空B,E正確,第二空,她通過穿上男人的衣服并且要裝得像男人,所以排除了disguise(掩飾)。assume 這個詞作動詞時可翻譯為“裝,做作”等意思=affect=act。所以正確答案為B


3. For a cycling tourist, -------is paramount: situation inevitably arise that require a cyclist to be alert and keen witted.

A. deference

B. perseverance

C. munificence

D. alacrity

E. vigilance

解析:冒號解釋題,線索為alert and keen witted。故答案為E。


4. The problem of soil degradation is -------: few, if any, agriculturally important regions are unaffected by it.

A. recent

B. modest

C. subtle

D. global

E. finished



5. Lauren was often labeled easygoing because she tended to appear mild and ------ rather than tense and -------.

A. sullen......serious

B. relaxed......excitable

C. joyful.....intelligent

D. slow......patient

E. likable......humorous



6. The poet’s publisher cautioned her against overusing -------language, but the poet preferred the lively, informal dialect of her hometown.

A. vernacular

B. superannuated

C. bombastic

D. austere

E. erudite

解析:轉(zhuǎn)折關(guān)系,詩人喜歡用生動和非正式的方言,而出版商警告他不要過多運用什么,故答案為A。 Superannuated之前SAT考試中沒有出現(xiàn)過,大家把這個詞放到“過時的”意群里去。從詞根中我們也可看出super-:over; -ann-:year。


7. Essayist Michel de Montaigne cultivated a contemplative prose style that seems to meander with his thoughts, thereby making his essays------- and filled with ------.

A. digressive.......tangents

B. cursory.......ephemera

C. convoluted......jargon

D. frenetic......platitudes

E. aimless.......polemic

解析:因果關(guān)系題,thereby為邏輯線索詞。本題的題眼在meander with his thoughts,即與他的思想偏離的,所以他的文章是怎么樣的,故答案為A。

翻譯:散文家Michel de Montaigne采用一種看似與他想法背離的冥想的散文方式來寫作,因此讓他的散文跑題并包含很多不切題的部分。

8. The book was aptly described as------- because it was instrumental in advancing knowledge about its subject.

A. seminal

B. recondite

C. beguiling

D. incendiary

E. inchoate



Section 6

1. It was ------- of the hikers to head out their journey into the wilderness without enough supplies or practical survival experience.

A. dishonest

B. reckless

C. petty

D. cunning

E. thrifty



2. Although daydreaming is generally seen as counterproductive, it can be surprisingly-------, even helping us make progress toward long-term goals.

A. distracting

B. infrequent

C. difficult

D. useful

E. simple

解析:解釋題,空格后為此題線索,helping 的同義詞為useful,答案為D。


3. Some health professionals believe that ------- can be --------by limiting caloric intake: put simply , if you eat moderately, you may live longer.

A. stamina...... impaired

B. Endurance.......alleviated

C. immortality.......averted

D. longevity........promoted

E. maturity........established

解析:冒號解釋或目的題,1. by 通過限制卡路里的攝入;2. 冒號后解釋“吃的少,活的長”。 所以看到live longer,第一空基本可以確定了,故D為正確選項。


4. Stinkbugs, as their name suggests, are capable of secreting a -------- chemical to ward off predators.

A. malignant

B. debilitating

C. malodorous

D. fragmentary

E. phosphorescent

解析:SAT中的典型題目:名字題。當題干中出現(xiàn)書名,地名或Nickname并題目讓你注意這些名字時(as their name suggests),名字即為線索。Stinkbug臭蟲,stink為惡臭的意思,故答案為C。可通過詞根mal+odor來分析此詞。E選項是新考詞匯,意思是“發(fā)磷光的”

通過詞根也可看出“-phos-=-phot-:光”,-phor- means “to carry”,所以這個詞基本意思為“to carry light”,帶著光的(尤指夜光)。


5. Mae West bold disregard for popular conventions and norms during her film career earned her reputation for --------.

A. tenaciousness

B. audacity

C. voraciousness

D. amiability

E. complacency


翻譯:Mae West在她的電影生涯中大膽地無視了流行的傳統(tǒng)觀念,幫助她贏得了膽大的稱呼。

Section 8

1. As a child, anthropologist Mireya Mayor was expected to practice piano regularly, a most ------- task for someone who preferred to play outdoors.

A. galvanizing

B. grueling

C. embarrassing

D. diverting

E. ingratiating


翻譯:還是一個孩子的時候,人類學家Mireya Mayor被期望能在家里定期練習鋼琴,這對一個喜歡戶外運動的人來說是一個繁重而累人的任務。

2. The immersion of young people of the Hmong American communities into mainstream society and politics has caused a -------- of leadership roles, with the traditional preeminence of the elders increasingly------- by new ideas.

A. disappearance.......buoyed

B. shifting........challenged

C. vanishing........manifested

D. transformation........detailed

E. stagnation........curtailed



3. Seymour worked with--------, almost crushing thoroughness: every step of the complex project was carried out with unremitting-------.

A. exhaustive........exactitude

B. impromptu.......documentation

C. astounding.......simulation

D. profound......evasion

E. informal.......perfectionism



4. In 1972, a leading American university offered two courses in Black studies; in 1985 it offered 21 such courses, a change exemplifying the -------of minority studies since 1970s.

A. rarity

B. convergence

C. incredulity

D. prognostication

E. proliferation



5. Some feminist theorists believe that patriarchy is -------- reality rather than a permanent state.

A. a transitory

B. a perpetual

C. an immutable

D. an idealistic

E. an intemperate

解析:對比關(guān)系,rather than 前后要選反義詞,故空格應選permanent的反義詞,答案為A。


6. Although a few biologist have ------ some mind flaws in this method of classifying specimens, it nevertheless an -------- procedure to follow.

A. spurned.......untenable

B. expunged.......infallible

C. lamented.......efficacious

D. rectified........indubitable

E. accentuated.......erroneous

解析:轉(zhuǎn)折關(guān)系題,第一空選動詞,賓語為mind flaws(思維錯誤)所以動詞應該是負向這個錯誤,后面轉(zhuǎn)折,不管怎樣這個方法是個什么樣的步驟,應該是個正向形容詞,所以B,C,D 都可以選,但B,D兩個詞的意思是“準確無誤的,完全沒有錯的”跟前面flaw矛盾,故答案為C。






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