Chi fa da sé, fa per tre.
English translation: He who works by himself does the work of three (people).
Idiomatic meaning: Do it yourself if you want it done right.
Chi fa falla, e chi non fa sfarfalla.
English translation: Those who act make mistakes; and those who do nothing really blunder.
Chi ha avuto ha avuto e chi ha dato ha dato.
English translation: What’s done is done.
Chi ha fretta vada piano.
English translation: Make haste slowly.
Chi ha moglie ha doglie.
English translation: A wife means pains.
Chi lava il capo all’asino perde il ranno e il sapone.
English translation: He who scrubs the head of an ass wastes his time and efforts.
Chi non fa, non falla.
English translation: Those who do nothing, make no mistakes.
Chi non ha moglie non ha padrone.
English translation: A man without a wife is a man without a master.
Chi non risica, non rosica.
English translation: Nothing ventured nothing gained.
Chi pecora si fa, il lupo se la mangia.
English translation: Those who make themselves sheep will be eaten by the wolf.
Chi più sa, meno crede.
English translation: The more one knows, the less one believes.
Chi prima non pensa in ultimo sospira.
English translation: He who first does not think breathes his last.
Idiomatic meaning: Look before you leap.
Chi sa fa e chi non sa insegna.
English translation: Those who know, do, and those who don’t, teach.
Chi s’aiuta, Dio l’aiuta.
English translation: God helps those who help themselves.
Chi tace acconsente.
English translation: Silence gives consent.
Chi tardi arriva male alloggia.
English translation: Those who arrive late lodge poorly.
Chi trova un amico trova un tesoro.
English translation: He who finds a friend, finds a treasure.
Chi va piano, va sano; chi va sano, va lontano.
English translation: He who goes softly, goes safely; he who goes safely, goes far.
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