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考試日期: 2013.08.17
類別 Bar chart
題目 The bar chart shows the percentage of independents between two age groups aged 15- and 65+ as well as that of those around the world in 5 different countries from 2000 to 2050.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
題目翻譯 該柱狀圖介紹了在2000年和2050年,兩個年齡組獨立生活的人數(shù)百分比,以及世界平均情況。
寫作指導(dǎo) 1)注意時態(tài),要用過去時和將來時
重點表達式 …, (closely) followed by…
What came next was…
…was/ were close behind
.... Be the minimum/ maximum
.....be the same/ similar
Rise substantially/ increase moderately/ ascending slightly
Decrease/ shrink/ fall/ drop/ moderately/ slowly/ steadily.......
題目評價 難度一般
推薦練習(xí) 劍橋真題:關(guān)于人們乘坐不同交通工具的人數(shù)變化,時間跨度是1974年到2004單表柱狀圖。
2007年寫作Task 1真題:單表柱狀圖,關(guān)于1995, 20002005年人們參與6項運動的人數(shù)變化。
近期考試趨勢 近八個月考的是柱線表,線形圖,餅圖,地圖題3次,流程圖2次,這類單表柱狀圖圖表考的次數(shù)較為少見。根據(jù)以往經(jīng)驗,接下來幾次需注意動態(tài)圖表和靜態(tài)圖表,比如說柱狀圖,餅圖,線圖和表格。


考試日期: 2013.08.17
類別 教育類
題目 In some countries, students pay their college or university fees, while in some others, government pays for them. Do you think the advantages that government pays the money outweigh the disadvantages? Give reasons and examples.
題目翻譯 在一些國家,上大學(xué)的費用由學(xué)生支付,而在另一些國家,國家為他們上大學(xué)買單。你認為國家支付大學(xué)費用的優(yōu)點多于缺點嗎?
寫作指導(dǎo) 1)注意時態(tài),不要出現(xiàn)過去時(除非舉過去的例子)
1. 單純描寫其有利面(單邊倒)
More positive development:
a. 改變學(xué)生命運:家庭負擔(dān)或?qū)崿F(xiàn)個人夢想
b. 將來對國家做出貢獻(國家的成功發(fā)展離不開所培養(yǎng)的人才:文化的發(fā)展;科技的發(fā)展;人們素質(zhì)的提高)
c. 總結(jié)段稍總結(jié)并發(fā)展。
2. 正負兩面皆涉及,可偏向有利
Possible ideas for more advantages and minor drawbacks:
a. 優(yōu)點方面同上
b. 缺點方面:國家經(jīng)濟負擔(dān)加重,或?qū)W生可能不勤奮讀書,不熱衷于參與社會活動
c. 總結(jié)段可稍總結(jié)并發(fā)展。
重點表達 Release financial burden, have access to relevant professional knowledge, make great contributions to community, be dedicated to the society,  technological advancement, cultural development,  prosper, be not diligent, actively participate in social activities; not spend more time on academic performance, devoid of academic strain, worsen financial burden, put into top priority
題目評價 舊題,難度一般
推薦練習(xí) Which is the best way for the students to pay for their tuition fee when university students are willing to go to university?
A: the government  B: students themselves  C: low-interest loan
近期考試趨勢 8個月考到的話題為社會類、政府類、科技類,媒體類。教育類是第二次考到了。



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