學(xué)而優(yōu)則進(jìn),以成!】&...《2013國(guó)際貨運(yùn)代理人考試英語(yǔ)輔導(dǎo)第四章》由中大網(wǎng)校國(guó)際貨運(yùn)代理人考試考試網(wǎng)發(fā)布。" />


發(fā)表時(shí)間:2014/4/4 17:15:00 來(lái)源:中大網(wǎng)校 點(diǎn)擊關(guān)注微信:關(guān)注中大網(wǎng)校微信
來(lái)源:   【貨運(yùn)代理考試');">學(xué)而優(yōu)則進(jìn),以成!】   2013年9月22日 為幫助廣大考生備考,推薦2013國(guó)際貨運(yùn)代理人考試英語(yǔ)輔導(dǎo)第四章:裝運(yùn)時(shí)間的規(guī)定,祝您在學(xué)習(xí)愉快!


  第四章 裝運(yùn)時(shí)間的規(guī)定


  1-1 課文:When buyer and seller discuss the terms of the contract, terms of shipment are compulsory.

  注釋:discuss: 討論,協(xié)商 terms of contract: 合同條款 terms of shipment: 裝運(yùn)條款 compulsory: 必須的,強(qiáng)迫的


  1-2 課文:Terms of shipment include methods of transport, time of shipment, partial shipment and transshipment, port or place of loading and unloading, shipment documents, etc. Here only time of shipment will be discussed.

  核心句:Terms of shipment include...

  注釋:methods of transport: 運(yùn)輸方式 time of shipment: 裝運(yùn)時(shí)間 partial shipment: 分批裝運(yùn) transshipment: 轉(zhuǎn)船 shipment documents: 裝運(yùn)單據(jù)



  1-3課文: Time of shipment refers to the time limit for loading the goods on board the vessel at port of shipment (If shipment is made by sea.).

  注釋:limit: 規(guī)定,約束,限制 on board the vessel: 裝上船



  2-1 合同中常用來(lái)規(guī)定裝運(yùn)時(shí)間的幾種方式:

  1. Shipment on or about June.20, 2002. 于或約于2002年6月20日裝運(yùn)

  2. Shipment not later than July 31st, 2002. Or, Latest shipment date: July 31st, 2002. 裝運(yùn)時(shí)間不遲于2002年7月31日,或者最遲裝運(yùn)期為:2002年7月31日

  注釋:no later than...: 不遲于...; latest: 最遲的

  3. Shipment to be made during Jun/July, 2002. 在2002年6月/7月期間裝船

  4. Shipment within 15 days after receipt of remittance. 收到匯款后15日之內(nèi)裝船。

  注釋:receipt: 收到; remittance: 匯款

  5. Shipment within 30 days after receipt of L/C. In order to prevent the buyer from opening the L/C late, the exporter should stipulate at the same time “ The relevant L/C must reach the seller not later than August 20, 2002” 在收到信用證后30天內(nèi)裝船。為了防止買方開(kāi)立信用證時(shí)間過(guò)晚,出口商應(yīng)該同時(shí)規(guī)定“相關(guān)信用證必須不遲于2002年8月20日到達(dá)賣方”

  注釋:L/C: Letter of credit 信用證 prevent...from...: 防止...; stipulate: 規(guī)定; at the same time: 同時(shí) relevant: 相關(guān)的; reach:到達(dá)

  2-2 條款的解釋:

  1. According to UCP 500, if the expression “ on or about ” or similar expressions are used, banks will interpret them as a stipulation that shipment is to be made during the period from five days before to five days after the specified date, both end days included. 如使用“于或約于”之類詞語(yǔ)限定裝運(yùn)日期,銀行將視為在所述日起前后各五天內(nèi)裝運(yùn),起訖日包括在內(nèi)。

  注釋:UCP500: 《跟單信用證統(tǒng)一慣例》國(guó)際商會(huì)第500號(hào)出版物; expression: 說(shuō)明,措詞,表達(dá)方式,用詞 similar: 類似的; specified: 規(guī)定的,指定的

  例如:如果信用證中規(guī)定裝運(yùn)期為“on or about July 20, 2002,” 那么這個(gè)貨物應(yīng)該是在7月15日到7月25日這期間發(fā)貨,包括7月15日和7月25日在內(nèi)。

  2. The words “to”, “till”, “from” and words of similar expressions applying to any date or period in the credit referring to shipment will be understand to include the date mentioned. The word “after” will be understand to exclude the date mentioned. 諸如“止”、“至”、“直至”、“從”及類似意義的詞語(yǔ)用于限定信用中有關(guān)裝運(yùn)的任何日期或期限時(shí),應(yīng)理解為包括所述日期。如“在...之后”應(yīng)理解為不 包括所述日期。

  注釋:apply to: 適用于,用于 mentioned: 提及的,所述的 include:包括; exclude: 不包括

  3. The terms “first half”, “second half” of a month shall be construed respectively as the 1st to the 15th, and the 16th to the last day of such month, all dates inclusive. “上半月”和“下半月”應(yīng)分別理解為自每月“1日至15日”和“16日至月末最后一天”,包括起訖日。

  注釋:first half: 上半時(shí) second half: 下半時(shí) construe: 解釋 respectively: 分別的,相應(yīng)的 inclusive: 包含的

  4. The terms “beginning”, “middle”, or “end” of a month shall be construed respectively as the 1st to the 10th, the 11th to the 20th, and the 21st to the last day of such month, all dates inclusive. “月初”、“月中”和“月末”應(yīng)分別理解為每月1日至10日、11日至20日和21日至月末最后一天,包括起訖日期。


  1.The exporter should consider whether he can get the goods ready before the shipment date and whether the ship is available if the goods are ready. 出口商應(yīng)當(dāng)考慮能否在裝運(yùn)日期前將貨物備妥。如果貨物能備妥,是否能配上載貨的船只。

  注釋:consider: 考慮 get sth. ready: 把...準(zhǔn)備好

  2.The time of shipment should be stipulated in a clear and flexible way. 裝運(yùn)時(shí)間的規(guī)定應(yīng)當(dāng)清楚、靈活。


  1)shipment on or about July 20 于或約于7月20日發(fā)貨。(即靈活又清楚)

  2)shipment on July 20. 這種規(guī)定,雖然很清楚,但是不靈活,如果賣方不能在7月20日發(fā)貨,則構(gòu)成違約(break contract)

  3)Expression such as “ prompt”, “immediately”, “as soon as possible”, and the like should not be used. If they are used banks will disregard them. If these terms are used, disputes may occur because there is no uniform explanation of these terms. 不應(yīng)該使用諸如“迅速”、“立即”、“盡快”之類的詞語(yǔ),如使用此詞語(yǔ),銀行將不予置理。如果使用了這些詞語(yǔ),將會(huì)因?yàn)閷?duì)這些詞語(yǔ)沒(méi)有統(tǒng)一的解釋而出現(xiàn)爭(zhēng) 議

  注釋:clear: 在這里是“清楚,明白”之意; flexible: 靈活的,可塑造的;break contract: 違約;prompt: 迅速的,立刻的;immediately: 立即 as soon as possible: 盡快;disregard: 不予理睬,不管,漠視;terms: 在這里是“措詞,用語(yǔ)”之意;dispute: 爭(zhēng)執(zhí),爭(zhēng)議,爭(zhēng)論;occur: (事情的)發(fā)生;explanation: 解釋,說(shuō)明

  3.Sometimes, the L/C simply stipulates and expiry date without a shipment date, which means these two dates the same. 有時(shí),信用證只規(guī)定一個(gè)有效期,而沒(méi)有裝運(yùn)時(shí)間的規(guī)定,這意味著裝運(yùn)期和有效期為同一天。

  比如:the L/C stipulates that the expiry date is July 31st without a shipment date, then the latest shipment date is also July 31st. 如信用證規(guī)定有效期為7月31日,而沒(méi)有規(guī)定裝運(yùn)時(shí)間,那么,最遲的裝運(yùn)期也是7月31日。

  In this case, the exporter should ship the goods much earlier than July 31st so that he can leave enough time for himself to get all the documents ready and present the documents to his bank within the validity of the L/C. If the exporter ships the goods on July 31st, it is very difficult for him to present the documents to the bank on the same day. 在這種情況下,出口商應(yīng)早于7月31日裝運(yùn)以便能為自己留有足夠的時(shí)間備齊所有的單據(jù),并將這些單據(jù)在信用證規(guī)定的交單期內(nèi)提交給銀行。如果出口商在7月 31日裝運(yùn)貨物,則很難在同一天將單據(jù)交給銀行。

  注釋:sometimes: 有時(shí) expiry date: 有效期; the same: 一樣; without: 沒(méi)有,無(wú); in this case: 在這種情況下(in that case: 如果是那樣的話;earlier: early的比較級(jí),早的,更早的。(earlier than 早于...);leave: 留下; enough: 足夠的;present: 提出,呈遞(動(dòng)詞);validity: 有效(如:the term of validity: 有效期間)

  4.The Expiry Date 有效期 ( 兩種情況)

  1) if the expiry date of the credit and/or the last day of the period of time for presentation of documents stipulated by the credit falls on a day on which the bank to which presentation has to be made is closed, the stipulated expiry date and/or the last day of the period of time after the date of shipment for presentation of documents, as the case many be, shall be extended to the first following day on which such bank is open. 如信用證的到期日及/或信用證固定的交單期限的最后一天適逢接受單據(jù)的銀行不營(yíng)業(yè),則規(guī)定的到期日及/或裝運(yùn)日后一定期限內(nèi)交單的最后一天順延至該銀行開(kāi) 業(yè)的第一個(gè)營(yíng)業(yè)日。

  核心句子:if the expiry date of credit and/or the last day of the period... falls on a day which the bank is closed, the expiry date and/or the last day of the period of time... shall be extended to...

  注釋:credit: 信用證;period of time: 一段時(shí)間;presentation: 呈遞(present 的名詞形式)fall on: 落到,指向(在這里引申為:適逢); close: 關(guān)閉(引申為“不營(yíng)業(yè)”相反的是“open” 營(yíng)業(yè))at the case : 在這種情況下;extend (to):延伸,延長(zhǎng); following day: 隨后的一天(課文中“the first following day” 是指在銀行不營(yíng)業(yè)日隨后的第一個(gè)工作日。)

  2)The latest date for shipment shall not be extended by reason of extension of the expiry date and/or the period of time after the date of shipment for presentation of documents. If no such latest date for shipment is stipulated on the credit or amendments, banks will not accept transport documents indicating a date of shipment later than the expiry date stipulated in the credit or amendments. 最遲裝運(yùn)日期不得由于有效期及/或交單期的延展而順延。如信用證或修改未規(guī)定最遲裝運(yùn)日期,銀行將不接受表明裝運(yùn)日期遲于信用證或修改規(guī)定的到期日的運(yùn)輸 單據(jù)。

  核心句子:the latest date shall not be extended by reason of...., if no such latest date...., bank will not accept....

  注釋:by reason of: 由于,因?yàn)? accept: 接受(注意與receive 的區(qū)別)indicate: 表明,顯示 later than: 晚于(相反的是:earlier than)






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