

發(fā)表時間:2014/4/7 17:00:00 來源:中大網(wǎng)校 點擊關(guān)注微信:關(guān)注中大網(wǎng)校微信
  617. quarrel about sth. 就…爭吵

  618. quarrel with sb. 與…爭吵

  619. out of the question不可能的

  620. quite a bit/a little/a few/a number   of 相當(dāng)多來源:www.examda.com

  621. on the radio 通過無線電廣播來源:www.examda.com

  622. rather than 倒不如說; 更來源:www.examda.com

  623. read aloud朗讀來源:www.examda.com

  624. read through讀一遍來源:www.examda.com

  625. be/ get ready for 為…準(zhǔn)備好

  626. keep a record 記錄下來

  627. refer to sb/sth. 查閱, 提到, 談到

  628. refuse to do sth)拒絕;不接受

  629. regard A as B把A視為B

  630. regret doing sth . 抱歉(做過的事)

  a)regret to do sth .遺憾 (沒做的事)

  631. remember to do sth.記得去做…

  632. remember doing sth.記得做過…

  633. Remember me to sb. 請向…致意

  634. remind sb. to do sth. a)提醒…做某事

  635. remind sb. of sth. a)使某人想起某事

  636. reply to sb./sth. )對…作出反應(yīng)

  637. do research on sth. 對…進(jìn)行研究

  638. research into sth. 探究, 調(diào)查

  639. respect to/of sb. 尊敬;尊重某人

  640. take/have a rest 休息一會兒

  641. rest room公用廁所, 洗手間

  642. as a result 由于,因此

  643. result from . 由……產(chǎn)生

  644. result in 導(dǎo)致

  645. a return ticket 往返的票

  646. rich in sth. 含…大量的

  647. all right 行了,好吧。

  648. on the right 在右邊

  649. right away馬上,立刻

  650. right now 馬上,立刻

  651. ring back 回電話

  652. ring off 掛斷電話

  653. ring up 給…打電話

  654. give sb. a ring給…打電話

  655. play a role of…扮演…角色

  656. roll over 翻滾

  657. make room for 給…騰出地方

  658. all the year round終年;一年到頭

  659. round the clock一直;不停地

  660. as a rule通常

  661. rule out排除在外

  662. rule over統(tǒng)治, 支配

  663. run away 逃跑,逃脫

  664. run well 運轉(zhuǎn)良好

  665. have the runs 得痢疾

  666. in the long run最后;從長遠(yuǎn)看來

  667. run about到處跑

  668. run after追逐,追蹤;追求

  669. run down(用車)撞倒

  670. run into遇上,偶然遇到

  671. run out of sth. 用光;耗盡

  672. rush hour高峰時間

  673. rush at 沖向

  674. safe and sound安然無恙的

  675. for sale待售,出售

  676. on sale出售,上市

  677. at the same time 同時

  678. all the same 仍然;雖然…還是

  679. the same as 和…一樣

  680. be satisfied with 對…感到滿意

  681. save one‘s life 救某人的命

  682. save up儲存,儲蓄,

  683. after school 放學(xué)后

  684. at school 在學(xué)校

  685. go to school 上學(xué)

  686. scold sb. for sth 因…責(zé)備某人

  687. scores of 許多,大量

  688. by sea 乘船

  689. search for sth. 搜索,搜尋

  690. search into調(diào)查

  691. be seated 就座

  692. take a seat 坐下

  693. wait a second 等一會兒

  694. keep sth a secret 保密

  695. see sb. off 為…送行

  696. see through識破,看穿

  697. see a doctor看醫(yī)生

  698. see a movie看電影


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