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發(fā)表時間:2014/4/18 17:15:00 來源:中大網校 點擊關注微信:關注中大網校微信

1. I am not sure whether I want to take this course;_______________(我第一周可否旁聽)to see if I like it?

2. The police are on the trail of new evidence _______________(希望能有助于該案的處理).

3. The volume of trade between the two countries,as is reported,________________(增長了三倍多).

4. My question is _______________(誰將接任該基金會主席職位).

5. He looks honest,but ________________(外表有時是靠不住的),aren’t they?

1. ______________(很少有人不抱怨工作單調乏味),but they will feel more bored if they do not work.

2. Henry has prepared a party for his girlfriend,______________(結果卻被告之她到時候不能來了).

3. The chief reason for the population growth is ______________(與其說是出生率的上升,還不如說是死亡率的下降).

4. True friendship foresees the needs of others ______________(而不是聲明自己的需求).

5. Although I liked the appearance of the house,_____________(真正讓我決定買下它的)was the beautiful view through the window.

1. may I sit in for the first week
解析:分號之前表示原因:因為我不敢確定是否想學這門課程,所以能否讓我第一周旁聽看看是否喜歡它?“旁聽”英語里說成sit in,如:sit in a lecture(旁聽一個講座)。另外,sit in也可以表示靜坐,如:There were reports of students sitting in at several universities to pretest against racial discrimination.(多次報道幾所大學學生靜坐抗議種族歧視。)

2. which they hope will help solve the case
解析:我們把中午句子的含義補全就是“警察希望這些新證據能有助于該案的處理”,“新證據”已經在前文中出現,那么在這里我們需要把“能有助于該案的處理”譯成后置定語來修飾new evidence。on the trail of意思是“在尋找”。

3. has increased more than fourfold
解析:本題是考查數字的譯法,可以參考前面的節(jié)目。本句還要指出的是as在非限制性定語從句中的應用:as引導非限制性定語從句時,其先行項通常是整個主句。As從句的位置很靈活,可以出現在句首,句中(如本句)或句末,并與主句之間用逗號隔開。如:As he pointed out,the steady rise in quality owes much to the improvement of our equipment.(正如他指出的,質量的不斷提高在很大程度上取決于設備的更新。)The night has turned cold,as is usual around here.(夜晚變得很冷,在這一帶經常如此。)

4. who will take over as president of the Foundation
解析:這是wh-詞引導的從句在句中作表語。本題的考點是:中文可以有“接任……的職位”的搭配,英文卻不能說take over the position of,因為take over本身就包括“接任某職”的含義,因此只要將某一職位的名稱譯出來即可,用take over as…來表達?!霸摶饡痹诰渲惺翘刂福蚨癋oundation”的首字母要大寫。

5. appearances are sometimes deceiving
解析:考生要看起來這是一個并列復合句。其規(guī)則之一是,疑問部分的主語要和后面句子的主語和謂語在人稱、數、性、時態(tài)方面保持一致。題干部分已經給出aren’t they?因此,“外表”要用復數形式,謂語動詞也要用復數形式,不能說appearance is sometimes deceiving。

1. Few people do not complain about the tedium of their jobs
解析:本題考查對形容詞few和動詞短語complain about的掌握。few作形容詞時意為“很少的,少數的”,用來修飾可數名詞復數,表示少得幾乎沒有。complain (to sb.) about sth.意為“(向某人)抱怨某事”。tedium“沉悶,單調乏味”,為不可數名詞。

2. only to be told that she couldn’t come by then
解析:本題考查對“only+不定式”結構的掌握。“only+不定式”結構相當于一個結果狀語,意為“結果卻…”,表示事情的發(fā)展令人不快或與預料相反?!氨桓嬷北砻鞑欢ㄊ揭帽粍邮剑╰o be told)。that賓語從句作動詞told的賓語,從句的時態(tài)應與主句一致(couldn’t)。by then在此處指“到將來的某個時候”。

3. not so much a rise in birth rates as a fall in death rates或more a fall in death rates than a rise in birth rates
解析:本題考查對能夠表達“與其說是……,不如說是……”的結構及含義的掌握?!皀ot so much…as…”和“more…than…”都可以表示“與其說是……,不如說是……”。

4. rather than proclaims one’s own
解析:本題考查對rather than的用法。rather than可以用來連接并列成分,表示“而不是”的含義。

5. what really made me decide to buy it


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