

發(fā)表時(shí)間:2014/4/18 17:15:00 來源:中大網(wǎng)校 點(diǎn)擊關(guān)注微信:關(guān)注中大網(wǎng)校微信

  My mother can drive. 我媽會(huì)開車。
  My mother can’t drive. 我媽不會(huì)開車。
  Can your mother drive? 你媽會(huì)開車嗎?
  Can’t your mother drive? 你媽不會(huì)開車嗎?
  You needn’t look at me like that. 你不必那樣瞧著我。
  常用的情態(tài)動(dòng)詞有can, could; may, might; must; should; need; dare; ought to 等。
  (一)can/could 的用法
  The nine-year old boy can swim across the river. 那個(gè)九歲的男孩能游過那條河。
  Can you swim across the river? 你能游過那條河嗎?
  I could do such things then, but I can’t now. 我那時(shí)候能做這樣的事情,但現(xiàn)在不能了。
  We couldn’t get the truck to start. 我們發(fā)動(dòng)不了那輛卡車。
  2、表示“請(qǐng)求”(疑問句中)、“允許”。Could 比 Can 委婉;兩者都指現(xiàn)在?;卮鹨宦捎?can 或 cannot, 也可以用mustn’t. 如:
  Can /could I smoke here? 我可以在這里抽煙嗎?
  Yes, you can. 是的,你可以。
  No, you cannot smoke here. 你不能在這里抽煙。
  You can go now. 你現(xiàn)在可以走了。
  Could you lend me $55? 你能借給我55美圓嗎?
  Yes, of course. 當(dāng)然可以。
  No, I cannot/I’m sorry I cannot. 不,不行/對(duì)不起,恐怕不行。
  Could you tell me where John is? 你能告訴我約翰在哪兒?jiǎn)幔?
  3、表示“可能性”。 但是并不牽涉到是否真會(huì)發(fā)生:都可以表示現(xiàn)在和將來,只是could的語氣更加不肯定。如
  That can/could be very awkward. 那可就太尷尬了。
  Can/Could it be true? 那會(huì)/可能是真的。
  That can’t/couldn’t be true. 那不可能是真的。
  Will you answer the phone? It could be your mother. 你去接電話好嗎?可能是你媽媽。
  What can/could they be doing? 他們可能會(huì)在干嗎呢?
  Could/Can they be chatting in his office? 他們可能在他辦公室里聊天嗎?
  No, they can’t/couldn’t be doing that now. 不, 現(xiàn)在他們不可能在做那事。
  (二)may/might 的用法
  May I turn on the TV? 我可以把電視打開嗎?
  You may go home now. 你現(xiàn)在可以回家了。
  She asked if she might have my bike. 她問是否可以借用我的自行車。
  He told me I might go and see him any time. 他和我說我可在任何時(shí)候去見他。
  can/could和may/might 都可以表示允許和請(qǐng)求允許。can最直截了當(dāng);could 禮貌客氣;may 既尊重又婉轉(zhuǎn)禮貌;might 帶者太多的虛禮,所以很少使用。如:
  Yes, of course. Yes, you can/may.
  No, you can’t/may not /mustn’t /I’m afraid not.
  You may/might have some fever. 你也許發(fā)燒了。He said that the news might be true. 他說這消息可能是真的。
  They may/might be having a bath. 他們也許正在洗澡。
  We may be buying a new house. 我們也許要買個(gè)新房子。
  Is it likely to rain, do you think? 會(huì)下雨嗎,你認(rèn)為?(不說May it rain?)
  Can/could they be having a bath? 他們可能正在洗澡嗎?
  We must take this seriously. 我們必須嚴(yán)肅對(duì)待這事。
  You must tell me the truth. 你必須和我說實(shí)話。
  Patients must use medicine according to the doctor’s orders. 病人用藥必須遵醫(yī)囑。
  在回答由must引起的問題時(shí),如果是否定回答,多用needn’t 或 don’t have to,表示“不必、沒必要”;而mustn’t表示“絕對(duì)不行、不可以”的意思,有時(shí)用來回答can或may開頭的問句,表示口氣很強(qiáng)的不允許:
  Must the ladies wear dresses? No, they don’t have to/they needn’t. 女士們必須著連衣裙嗎?不,不必。
  Can/May I come in? No, you can’t/mustn’t. 可以進(jìn)來嗎?不行/絕對(duì)不行。
  must 僅用于表示現(xiàn)在和未來。其他時(shí)態(tài)用have to。但在間接引語中可用must表示過去:
  I had to leave early because I wasn’t feeling well. 我不得不早點(diǎn)離開,因?yàn)槲矣X得不舒服。
  You’ll have to take care of the child. 你將不得不照顧這個(gè)孩子。
  She has had to work over ten hours a day. 她一直不得不每天工作十幾個(gè)小時(shí)。
  They decided they must stop smoking. 他們決定他們必須戒煙。
  He asked me if he must leave at once and I told him he didn’t have to. 他問我是否他必須馬上離開,我告訴他不必。
  There must be a mistake. 準(zhǔn)是弄錯(cuò)了。
  Can/Could there be a mistake 可能會(huì)有錯(cuò)嗎?
  There can’t/couldn’t be a mistake. 不可能會(huì)有錯(cuò)嗎?
  He must be over sixty now. 他肯定六十多歲了。
  He can’t/couldn’t be sixty now. 他現(xiàn)在不會(huì)是六十歲。
  Can/Could he be over sixty now? 他現(xiàn)在會(huì)有六十多歲嗎?
  They must be watching the news now. 他們這會(huì)兒肯定在看新聞。
  They can’t/couldn’t be watching the news now. 他們這會(huì)兒不可能在看新聞。
  Can/Could they be watching the news now? 他們這會(huì)兒可能在看新聞嗎?
 ?。?)表示對(duì)現(xiàn)在和將來狀況的推測(cè):must 一定,may 可能,might 也許,can’t 不可能。從“一定”到“不可能”,可能性逐漸降低。
 ?。?)對(duì)已經(jīng)過去的情況的推測(cè):must, may, might, can’t/couldn’t 這些詞后面分別加上have + 過去分詞,表示“一定…”,“可能…”, “也許…”,“不可能…”。從“一定”到“不可能”,可能性逐漸降低。



  You needn’t try to explain. 你不需要解釋。
  She needn’t come tomorrow. 她明天不必來。
  Need we stay here this evening? 今晚我們需要在這兒住下來嗎?
  Need 作為實(shí)意動(dòng)詞比作為情態(tài)動(dòng)詞常用的多。實(shí)意動(dòng)詞need 可用在所有句型中。
  She needs to come tomorrow. 明天她需要來。
  You don’t need any help from others. 你不需要?jiǎng)e人的任何幫助。
  He doesn’t need to borrow money. 他不需要借錢。
  Do they need this? 他們需要這個(gè)嗎?
  Plants need sun light in order to grow.   植物需要陽(yáng)光才能生長(zhǎng)。
  You don’t need to work so hard. 你不需要這么樣地努力工作。
  Your shoes need cleaning/to be cleaned.  你的鞋子需要清潔。
  The job doesn’t need much attention or time. 這份工作很省心省事。
  What he needs is a good beating. He needs a good beating.  需要好好揍他一頓。
  Dare he swim across the river? 他敢游過這條河嗎?
  He dare not come to see me. 他不敢來見我。
  I dare not say so. 我不敢這樣說。
  She dare not go out of the house. 她不敢走出房間。
  How dare you be so rude! 你竟敢如此無禮!
  If you dare speak to me like this again, you’ll be sorry. 如果你膽敢再和我那樣說話,你會(huì)感到遺憾的。
  Do you dare to ask her? 你敢問她嗎?
  He didn’t dare to go. 他不敢去。
  I would never dare to jump down from the wall. 我永遠(yuǎn)也不敢從那堵墻上跳下來。
  Does anyone dare to call me a liar? 有誰敢說我是個(gè)說謊者嗎?
  (六)should/ought to的用法
  1、表示道義上的責(zé)任,義務(wù)或要求,有時(shí)表示勸告。ought to的否定式為ought not to /oughtn’t to。如:
  You ought to /should pay more attention to what your lawyer says. 你應(yīng)該更多的注意你律師的話。
  They shouldn’t allow parking here. The street is too narrow. 這里不應(yīng)該允許停車,街道太窄了。
  This word is spelt wrongly. There should be another “s”.
  這個(gè)詞拼寫錯(cuò)了,還應(yīng)該有一個(gè) “s”。
  I should go slowly here. It’s a built-up area. 這里我應(yīng)該慢點(diǎn)兒走。這個(gè)地區(qū)建筑物多。
  2. 表示推測(cè)和可能性,是“應(yīng)該”之意。 表示對(duì)現(xiàn)在和將來的推測(cè)。
  You ought not to/shouldn’t be sleeping now. It’s already eight o’clock. 你不該還在睡覺,都已經(jīng)八點(diǎn)了。
  This pen ought to /should be yours. 這支筆應(yīng)該是你的。
  If the train is up to time, John should/ought to be here any minute now. 如果火車晚點(diǎn)的話,JOHN現(xiàn)在馬上就應(yīng)該到了。
  3、“should/ought to have+過去分詞”表示對(duì)過去的推測(cè),意 思 是“應(yīng)該已經(jīng)”。有時(shí)表示“應(yīng)該做而沒有做”,是“本應(yīng)該”的意思;“should not/ought not to have+過去分詞”表示“做了不應(yīng)該做的事情”,是“本不該”的意思,因而它們都含有責(zé)備的語氣:
  He began two hours ago. He ought to have finished filling in the forms now. 兩個(gè)鐘頭前他就開始了,現(xiàn)在應(yīng)該填完那些表格了。
  One should have been asleep and the other on watch. 本應(yīng)該一個(gè)睡覺,另一個(gè)站崗。.
  You should not have asked him for help. 你本不應(yīng)該向他求助。
  What’s happened to that money? How should I know? 那些錢怎么了?-我怎么知道?
  It’s strange that he should have lost his temper for such trivial things as that. 真奇怪,他竟然為這么小的事情發(fā)脾氣。
  Why should I believe you? 我為什么要相信你?




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