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第二十二章,《玩具總動(dòng)員》的一炮而紅,讓一直處于燒錢狀態(tài)的皮克斯動(dòng)畫嘗到了甜頭,也讓本欲賣掉它的喬布斯看到了改變電影業(yè)的可能。(he might be on the verge of transforming the movie industry)對(duì)于喬布斯而言,《玩具總動(dòng)員》不僅讓皮克斯賺到了錢,更是一個(gè)起點(diǎn),讓皮克斯成為和蘋果一樣偉大的公司的起點(diǎn)。這一期就讓我們看看這部電影的基本框架是如何構(gòu)思出來的吧!


The idea that John Lasseter pitched was called “Toy Story.” It sprang from a belief, which he and Jobs shared, that products have an essence to them, a purpose for which they were made. If the object were to have feelings, these would be based on its desire to fulfill its essence. The purpose of a glass, for example, is to hold water; if it had feelings, it would be happy when full and sad when empty. The essence of a computer screen is to interface with a human. The essence of a unicycle is to be ridden in a circus. As for toys, their purpose is to be played with by kids, and thus their existential fear is of being discarded or upstaged by newer toys. So a buddy movie pairing an old favorite toy with a shiny new one would have an essential drama to it, especially when the action revolved around the toys’ being separated from their kid. The original treatment began, “Everyone has had the traumatic childhood experience of losing a toy. Our story takes the toy’s point of view as he loses and tries to regain the single thing most important to him: to be played with by children. This is the reason for the existence of all toys. It is the emotional foundation of their existence.” (Chapter 22 TOY STORY:Jeffrey Katzenberg )


約翰-拉塞特腦海里構(gòu)思的故事叫做“玩具總動(dòng)員”,靈感源自他和喬布斯共有的一個(gè)理念即產(chǎn)品是有靈魂的,它們皆有生來之使命。如果物體也有感情,這種感情的基礎(chǔ)就是其對(duì)自身價(jià)值實(shí)現(xiàn)的渴望。好比玻璃杯的使命在于盛水。如果它有感情,那么它會(huì)杯滿則喜杯空則哀。 又好比計(jì)算機(jī)屏幕的使命是與人交流,獨(dú)輪車的使命是在馬戲團(tuán)內(nèi)供人騎行。對(duì)于玩具們來說,他們的使命就是同孩子們玩耍,因而他們的恐懼來源于被拋棄或是被新玩具替代。因此一個(gè)飽受喜愛的舊玩具和一個(gè)閃亮登場(chǎng)的新玩具聯(lián)袂出演的兄弟電影才會(huì)有了必不可少的戲劇效果。特別是所有的故事都圍繞著同孩子分離的玩具們展開。電影原始腳本是這樣開頭的:“每個(gè)人在童年都有遺失玩具這樣痛苦的回憶。我們的故事從一個(gè)玩具的視角展開,他一度失去但努力嘗試尋回對(duì)他最重要一件事,那就是同孩子們玩耍。這是所有玩具存在的意義,也是他們存在的情感基礎(chǔ)。






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