speak [spi:k]  v.(spoke, spoken, speaking)說話,談話, 發(fā)言,演講(communicate, deliver a speech, express oneself, have a conversation, talk, tell, utter)

speak about...                   說到...

speak for...                     代表…講話,為...辯護

speak with...                    ...談話,和...商量

speak to...                      ...發(fā)表演說,招呼...

e.g. you speak english pretty well.


spend [spend]  v.(spent, spent, spending)花費(invest in),消耗(consume, exhaust),度過(occupy, pass, use up, waste)

spend (money/time)on sth. [in doing sth. ]  v. 在某事上[做某事時]花(時間/金錢)

e.g. he spend less time in reading.


spread [spred] n. 伸展,展開,傳播

v. (spread, spread, spreading)伸展(broaden, enlarge, expand, extend, lengthen, widen),展開(arrange, display, lay out, unfold),涂(apply, cover a surface with),傳播(advertise, broadcast, distribute, give out, pass on, publicize, publish, scatter, transmit)

spread oneself                      舒展四肢, 夸夸其談

spread out                          展開...

spread to...                        傳到..., 蔓延到...

spread... with...                   ...上面涂抹...

e.g. he spread butter黃油 on his bread.


stand [stænd]   n. 貨攤(booth, stall),看臺,立場

v.(stood, stood, standing) 站起(get up, rise),(使)豎立(erect, put up, set up),持久(continue, remain valid, stay),經受(abide, bear, endure, put up with, suffer, tolerate)

stand the test                        經受住考驗

stand with...                         ...一致,和...站在一起

stand a chance of...                  ...的希望

stand by(= adhere to/ stay with/ stick to/support)      支持..., 遵守..., 袖手旁觀

stand for(=indicate/mean/represent/ signify/ symbolize)         代表..., 象征..., 支持...

stand out(= be obvious/ show/ stick out)           突出, 顯眼

stand up for                    支持...

 e.g. i can't stand my poor english!


start [stɑ:t]  

n. 動身,出發(fā)點(point of departure),開始(beginning, birth, establishment, introduction, launch)

v.出發(fā),開始,創(chuàng)辦(begin, create, establish, found, give birth to , introduce, launch, open, set up,)

start a fire                        點火

a fresh start                       新的起點,新的開始

e.g. we must make a new start.


state [steit]  

n. 狀態(tài)(circumstances, situation, condition),國家(country, nation),州

vt.聲明,陳述(announce, communicate, declare, express, report, say, speak)

the state of affairs                    事態(tài),情況,形勢

state ones views                      陳述自己的觀點

e.g. state your name and address.


stay [stei]  n.逗留(abide, hang about, wait, settle, reside, stop),支柱;停止

vi. 停留;暫住;停下;堅持

stay single                        保持單身

stay at home                       呆在家里

e.g. the temperature has stayed hot this week


steal [sti:l]   v. stole, stolen, stealing)偷,竊取,偷竊

have ones purse stolen              某人的錢包被偷

steal a marriage                 秘密結婚

steal a ride                     偷搭車船, 白坐車船

steal... away                    ...(某物)偷走

steal the show                   搶出風頭

e.g. he stole out of the house without anyone seeing him.


stick [stik] n. 棍,小樹枝,手杖

v. (stuck, stuck, sticking)粘住(adhere, bind , bond, fasten),刺,戳

stick to...                        堅持...

stick out                          伸出

a walking stick                    手杖

chop sticks                        筷子

e.g. the old man could not walk without a stick.


stop [stɔp]

n. 停止(conclusion, end, halt, termination, pause),車站(station, destination)

vi.(stopped, stopped, stopping) 停止(break off, cease, conclude, cut off, end, finish, knock off, pause, quit, suspend, terminate),阻止(bar, block, check, delay, frustrate, halt, hamper, interrupt), 停下(draw up, halt, pull up),住(stay)

stop... from...                      阻止某人...

come to a (full) stop                (完全)停止

e.g. they stopped to talk when they met on the street.



style [stail]  

n.風格,時尚(design, fashion, mode, pattern, taste, type),風度(taste, elegance ),類型

come into style/fashion          變得流行起來

be out of style/fashion          不時髦,不時新

in style                         時髦地,很成功地

e.g. i wouldn't tell lies撒謊 to you; that's not my style.


subject ['sʌbdʒikt]  

n. 題目,主題(affair, business, issue, matter, point, question, theme, topic),學科,試驗對象(object) vt. 使屈從于...(submit, yield) adj.受制于...的,受...影響的

subject... to...                 使...服從于..., 使...遭受到...

subject oneself to...            蒙受...

subject matter                   主題, 主旨

e.g. how many subjects are you studying this semester(學期)?


submit [səb'mit]  

v. (submitted, submitted, submitting)投降(give in, surrender, yield),提交(give in, hand in, present),提出(offer, put forward, state, suggest)

submit a plan                     提出一項計劃

submit oneself to...              甘受...,服從...

submit to                         服從...

e.g. we shall never submit to slavery(奴役).  


succeed [sək'si:d]   v 成功(be successful, do well, flourish , work, be effective),繼...之后,繼承(come after, follow, replace, take over from)

succeed in doing sth.               成功地..

e.g. keep upthen you will succeed.

success [sək'ses]  n.成功(successful outcome),成就(accomplishment, achievement, fame, prosperity),勝利(hit, triumph , victory)

e.g. his new book was a great success.


suffer ['sʌfə]  vt. 遭受(痛苦,損害, 疾病等) ,忍受(bear, cope with, endure, feel, go through, put up with, stand, tolerate, undergo)

suffer from...                       忍受..., 遭受...

suffer a defeat                      遭受挫敗

suffer from a disease                患病

suffer losses                        遭受損失

e.g. they suffered huge losses in the financial crisis.


suggest [sə'dʒest]   vt.建議(advise, move, propose, put forward, raise, recommend),使想起,暗示(hint, imply, indicate, mean, signal)

it is suggested that ...           有人提議...

i suggest that ---                 我覺得(認為)-------

e.g. i suggest you do what he says.


summit ['sʌmit]  n. 頂點(crown, head, height, peak, point, top),顛峰(high point),最高級會議

summit meeting                     最高級會議,首腦會議

e.g. he is now at the summit of power.


supply [sə'plai]   n. 供應(量)(reserve, reservoir , stock, store),

(pl.)供應品(food, equipment)

vt. (supplied, supplied, supplying)

v. 供給,提供(contribute, donate , equip, feed, furnish, give, produce, provide, sell)

supply ... with...                ...供應...

supply and demand                 供求

in short supply                   供應不足

e.g. our food supply has given out.


support [sə'pɔ:t]   vt. 承受(bear, carry, hold up, reinforce , strengthen),支持(aid, assist, defend, give support to, stand up for, contribute to), 供養(yǎng) (bring up, feed, finance, fund, maintain, keep, sustain), 證實(advocate, agree with, argue for, confirm, defend, explain, justify)

n.支撐,支持(aid, backing, contribution, cooperation, encouragement, help, protection),支持者,支柱(foundation, pillar, post)

support oneself                  自謀生計

give support to...               支持...,支援...

in support of...                 幫助/支援...

e.g. he needs a high income to support such a large family.


suppose [sə'pəuz]  vt. 推想(assume, believe, guess, infer, postulate, speculate, think),假設(imagine)   conj. 假使...結果會怎樣

suppose that...                                       假設...

be supposed to do sth.                         應該...

e.g. we suppose that the situation will improve.


surprise  [sə'praiz] 

n.驚訝(alarm, amazement, astonishment, wonder),意想不到的事情

vt. 使詫異,使驚奇(alarm, amaze, astonish, shock, startle, take aback, take by surprise)

be surprised at...           ...感到吃驚

e.g. it was a pleasant surprise to learn of her marriage.


survey [sə:'vei]  n. 測量,調查,視察(assessment, census , evaluation, examination, inspection, investigation, study)

vt.測量(measure),調查(appraise, assess , evaluate, examine, inspect, investigate, look over, study, view)

make a survey of...             測量...,對...作調查

survey report                   調查報告

e.g. we stood on the top of the mountain and surveyed the countryside.


survive [sə'vaiv] v. 繼續(xù)生存(carry on, continue, endure, keep going, last, live, persist, remain), 從...中逃生(live through)

survive all dangers               歷經危難而未死

e.g. if the industry doesn't modernize it will not survive.


suspect [səs'pekt]  n. 嫌疑犯

adj. 令人懷疑的(doubtful, questionable, unreliable, suspected)

v.懷疑(distrust, doubt),想(believe, consider, guess, imagine, infer, speculate, suppose, think)

suspect sb. of (a crime)               懷疑某人(犯了...)

suspect patient                         疑似癥患者

e.g. everybody suspect she is a spy.


switch  [switʃ]   n. 開關,突然轉變

v. 改變,更換(change, exchange, replace, shift, substitute)

switch off ...               切斷...

switch on ...                接通...

switch to...                 切換到..., 轉變成...

e.g. don't switch the radio on yet.